“BAWAL ANG BASTOS SA CAUAYAN” is now up through the lead of LGU Cauayan together with GAD Focal Point System and Rotary Club Cauayan in the hopes of eliminating and penalizing unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks or physical advances against any individual. It is a localized version of R.A. 11313, otherwise known as, The Safe Spaces Act or the “Bawal Bastos Law”
With the enactment of our own Bawal Bastos Law, it shall penalize offenses such as catcalling, whistling, persistent telling of sexual jokes, stalking, sexual advances, and touching and pinching to name a few, to protect not just our women and children, but all genders in the local community.
This law would serve as an umbrella of protection for all people, especially to our children whom we wish to grow up and live in a safe and secured environment.