Republic of the Philippines

City of Cauayan

  • Philippine Standard Time


Cauayan City intensifies its program on digitalization as City Mayor Bernard Faustino M. Dy enters partnership with Multisys Corp. with its President and CEO Mr. David L. Almirol.

On December 2, 2021, at Isabela Convention Center, the signing of the Memorandum of Partnership was witnessed by all stakeholders, from the tricycle drivers, barangay officials, and the member of the Filipino Chamber of Commerce and other NGO’s in the city for the launching of the Isabela Connect.

The Isabela Connect is a platform to help ease in doing business particularly in the City of Cauayan for its e-commerce transactions for its cashless system.

The people will enjoy the services like paying on tricycle fares, restaurants, groceries, and supermarkets, or even at any sari-sari store by using the app.

The App can also feature product launching or can promote local products of Isabeleños for online shopping. It is a complete end-to-end solution.

Apart from the App, Multisysy Technologies Corp also installed the kiosk machine for cash-in or digital payments for any business transactions.

Mr. David Almirol, could not help but give praises to the administration of Mayor Bernard Dy for pushing the project in one way or the other he can also contribute as Proud Cauayeño in the digitalization program of Cauayan City.

This dream is a reality. It’s no longer just dreaming but accomplishing. And I always believe that no matter how beautiful are the innovations or systems without the help of the government, without that iron hand to do this strong will to accomplish, it would be nothing. Walang silbi ang technology kung wala pong matinding implementasyon” remark Mr. Almirol on his message of partnership.

The project is part of Cauayan City’s making as Smarter City as it uses smart technologies and innovative systems and processes in the government which make the delivery of services to its constituents.