Republic of the Philippines

City of Cauayan

  • Philippine Standard Time


Informal  Sector Workers and Barangay Tanods had received their salary pay-out and financial assistance from DOLE and DSWD respectively.

In two separate venues, the informal workers received their assistance at Cauayan City Sports Complex while the Barangay Tanods at Fl Dy Coliseum which was attended by Governor Rodito Albano, Vice Gov. Faustino G. Dy III, Congressman Inno Dy, LPGMA Party List Representative Atty Allan Ty, DOLE Regional Director Joel Gonzales, and the City Officials headed by Mayor Bernard Faustino M. Dy.

DOLE’s  Regional Director Joel Gonzales said that the given assistance is part of the implementation of the TUPAD program or Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Disadvantage/Displace Workers as government’s emergency employment program to help informal sector workers due to loss of income which greatly affects their livelihood because of the  Covid 19 pandemic.

The TUPAD program is DOLE’s assistance in response to COVID 19 pandemic  that has affected workers in the informal sector,  said Regional Director Joel Gonzales.

The Governor and Vice Governor had expressed their gratitude to Secretary Bello of the Department of Labor and Employment for giving extra attention to the needs of his co-Isabeleños.

Meanwhile, in a separate activity at Don FL Dy Memorial Coliseum, the DSWD in partnership with LPGMA had also distributed cash assistance and rice to more than 700 barangay tanods in the city aside from the water pump units distributed to selected barangays which was personally given by Congressman Allan Ty.

In his message to the so-called Barangay Police Officers, Governor Albano expressed his gratitude for being part to be considered as  frontliners  and the services rendered in their respective barangays.

Meantime, Congressman Inno Dy made pledged to give another incentive to all barangay tanods by giving tanod – vests  while Mayor Bernard Dy has encouraged all Cauayeños to get vaccinated with Covid 19 vaccines   on their scheduled vaccination.