It’s a Drug-free workplace!
The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) has declared LGU-Cauayan City as Drug- Free Work Place following the conduct of a random drug testing among city employees.
The declaration made during the visit of the PDEA Region 2 headed by Director Joel B. Plaza, Regional Director III, on September 13, 2022 and was welcomed by the City Officials, headed by Mayor Caesar S. Dy, Jr. together with PLtCol Sherwin F. Cuntapay, PNP Cauayan City Chief of Police, and Dr. Mary Kristin A. Purugganan.
Mayor Caesar S. Dy, Jr. gratefully accepted the good report and committed to sustain a more and competitive safe-workplace in the City Government.
Pursuant to the Dangerous Drug Board Regulation No. 13, Series of 2018 which aims to promote the establishment and institutionalization of drug – free workplace policies in all government agencies and DBB Regulation No. 4, series of 2013 as amended by Board Regulation No. 7, series of 2003, entitled General Guidelines for the implementation of Mandatory Drug Testing which aims to promote the establishment and institutionalization of drug – free workplace policies in all government agencies and ensure that all public officers, both elective, appointive, and employees are remain drug free though the conduct of authorized drug testing.
In compliance thereto, the City Government Unit of Cauayan, initiated the following activities:
- On June 14, 2022, the employees of the City Government Unit of Cauayan attended the Drug Free Workplace Orientation Seminar conducted by PDEA RO2 led by Atty. Lailanie R. Marpuri, Ms. Louella A. Tomas as resource speakers through the assistance of Ms. Marilyn Natividads and Ms. Melissa Narag of PDEA Isabla held at OSCA Hall, Cabaruan, Cauayan City.
- On August 31, 2022, the City Health Office Staff and with the supervision of the PDEA RO2 headed by IAV Romarico P. Pagulayan, Provincial Officer of PDEA Isabela conducted the random drug testing of among employees of the City Government Unit of Cauayan.
- On September 13, 2022, the Unveiling of Drug Free Work Place of LGU Cauayan City, Isabela held at Bamboo Hall, Cauayan City Hall.
The unveiling was initiated by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Regional Field Office 02, headed by Director Joel B. Plaza, Regional Director III and assisted by Hon. Caesar S. Dy, Jr., PLtCol Sherwin F. Cuntapay, PNP Cauayan City Chief of Police, and Dr. Mary Kristin A. Purugganan.